Which format should the input file take in SPI calculation?

The "MDM" (Meteorological Drought Monitor) software application is a free software for calculating precipitation-based indices. In this tool, eight meteorological indices would be calculated. All the calculations and the ranges of indices were presented in the paper with title of: "Estimation of meteorological drought indices based on AgMERRA precipitation data and station-observed precipitation data" with the DOI: 10.1007/s40333-017-0070-y.

For SPI calculation you should create an excel file such as mdm.xlsx. You should create a sheet with two columns. The first one is Date and the format of Date should be YYYY. The second column is rainfall. The rainfall data can be daily or monthly. In MDM (Meteorological Drought Monitor), firstly you should open the file and in the table, you should load Date column and then load rainfall data. When the loading data is completed so you should set data as monthly or daily. In other hands, you can view the help page of MDM on our website and the videos in our channel on YouTube to know about them.